Stenna SuitePix
Full featured Video and Still Image Management

Catalog, Save and Print procedure images
When you need more than just a printing solution, choose Stenna SuitePix to catalog, save and review procedure images and videos. Like endoPrinter, SuitePix provides you the ability print procedure images. SuitePix also adds in video recording and long term image storage using an included database. A built-in search tool allows you to easity retrieve images using patient and procedure details.
Be patient safe
Patient safety is paramount in today's environment. SuitePix tracks room usage, patients, staff and instruments used for both utilization and patient safety. SuitePix stores this information where it can be easily retrieved should you ever need it. SuitePix also serves as the foundation module for Stenna SuiteTrax (currently in development) which will create a completely traceable chain of custody for all medical instruments and other patient care reusable equipment.